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Ice Shuttle Closed System

Cost-effective and reliable temperature control in a safer work environment

Are you planning to invest in insulated containers or trolleys for cold chain transport cooling?

Let us help you keep your operational costs down and your employees safe with our Ice-Shuttle closed system for insulated containers CO₂ filling.

Our experts have developed a dosing station and cooling cassette specially designed to help you lower your CO₂ consumption in addition to creating no CO₂ emissions during filling.

Why use our Ice Shuttle closed system

Money savings

Only use the CO₂ you really need to keep your products cold, thanks to optimised conversion ratios and a variable dosing system

Reliable CO₂ supply

Enjoy a worry-free CO₂ supply by choosing for one of the most reliable CO₂ suppliers in Europe


Fill your containers directly in the cold room without any CO₂ emissions in your work space

Food safety

No interruption to the cold chain


Numerous customisable options including integration into your ERP

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전 세계에있는 당사의 숙련 된 응용 분야 팀은 산업 및 응용 분야 지식을 활용하여 고객의 고유 한 요구를 충족하는 압축 또는 액체 이산화탄소 공급 및 기술 솔루션을 제공합니다.

대량 공급

트럭에 의해 배송되어 극저온 탱크의 액체 또는 현장의 부피, 원하는 압력, 순도 수준, 유량 및 작동 패턴에 따라 고압 튜브의 가스로 저장됩니다.

CryoEase® Microbulk 솔루션

대규모 작업을위한 편리하고 비용 효율적인 솔루션입니다. CryoEase® 탱크는 다양한 크기로 제공됩니다. CryoEase® 서비스는 실린더, 재고 수취 및 주문을 처리 할 필요가 없어 가스 공급을 단순화합니다.

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